Chairman’s Desk

Doing the right things for the right reason with a valued vision of social welfare is our bounden duty, which arises from inner- self under motivation that ignites the spark for action & translates our aims into attainment. We are proud to say the “Vaibhav Institute of Education” is an achievement of such an aforesaid inspiration & encouragement. Presenting with a motto and commitment an institute in the lap of the countryside, we feel joyous & zealous to execute the educational vision of that very soul upon whose name the institution has been entitled. The institution wheels up with a starting gear of the B.T.C. course & we anticipate in near future its gaining a rapid speed with various courses taught by dedicated, devoted & qualified faculty members to prune and shape the budding talents of the country-side in a grand manner. We further feel proud to pledge to maintain devotedly the dignity of education by imparting & achieving a scientific , value based & techno oriented education to prepare the modern generation to accept the new challenges of the modern competitive world and cope up with the pressing circumstances of the socio-economics world with great zeal, vigour and vitality. It is needless to say that this could happen with the whole hearted support of all students, guardians and well wishers, and overall with the divine grace of the almighty. May god shower thy blessings to fulfill our great dreams.

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